Sunday, June 20, 2010

Never Do Homework With Heat Stroke

What do I do to get an A in Political Science? I volunteer at Veggielution. Ha! What did I do at Veggielution you go. This is rule # 498 - Never do homework with sun stroke.
               Today I weeded and weeded and weeded. I can see why farmers want to use GMO seeds and fertilizer and weed killer…all the lovely chemical compounds that scientists with their pocket protectors and glass beakers have been working so very hard to create that contaminate our streams and drinking water and cause cancers that we don’t even want to start getting into here. Weeds SUCK.
                So, today I walked up and down the planted rows with a Hula Hoe attempting to uproot weeds. Once I finished uprooting the invasive little things, I went back down the rows to pick up all the weeds in a bucket. Apparently even though it was well above 85 degrees and the sun was beating down and sucking all the energy out of me – these weeds have a spirit that won’t be broken easily. If not picked up, the weeds will shrivel in the hot San Jose sun but still manage to retain enough moisture and energy to re-root themselves and continue about their main priority of multiplying.
                Today, I learned that I do not want a manual labor job. I learned that it is better to stay in school, to learn about GMO’s, organics, and why we should support our local Farmer’s Markets or CSA’s – rather than being the one slowly drifting into a melanoma induced coma. I realize that farm workers should be able to unionize, they deserve benefits and their job is up there with a “knocker” at a slaughter house. I decided that I will finish school and honor the walls that surround me hour after hour which the air conditioner happily uses energy inefficiently due to the basic design of the machine and the fact that the doors have gaps large enough to roll a raisin under, allowing all the hot air outside – to come inside.

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